Have you ever had this huge wave of relief come over you??? That is exactly what happened upon Michael Phelps & Team USA taking the GOLD on Saturday night at the 2008 Olympics!!
I was relieved because Michael clinched his 8th GOLD medal at the Olympics; relieved (and yet, a little saddened) that this was his last race of this Olympics, (guess if I want to see that perfectly shaped physique now I'll have to resort to the million or so pics posted on the internet) and relieved because there would be no more nailbiter moments to come in anticipation of MP breaking the most important world record in Olympic history.
But what I found to be the most pivotal moment for me during this last week, is NOW I can FINALLY resume pa
rtaking in my favorite passion...CROSS-STITCHING & get back on track!!! Sure, I strived very hard to stitch while I watched this week, but I found that especially when MP & Company were competing, I would sit gripped firmly to my needle and floss until my knuckles turned blue (or wait, was that my face turning blue from holding my breath)...in agonizing suspense of whether or not MP would win his next GOLD in line. NO matter how hard I tried to work while he was on, nothing I did worked. It would be one thing if MP wasn't so darn easy on the eyes. Had he been anything less than absolutely GORGEOUS, I could have stitched away to my heart's content...(and most assuredly had that Christmas stocking for my daughter all finished by now & possibly a few other WIP's as well). But it was not to be.

So...now with MP & friends having won the GREAT 8 & the Olympics are slowly winding down over these next several days, I can now rest easy knowing I can pick up where I left off before the fact. Oh no...new sudden wave of emotion has just come over me...This time it is not relief...but rather one of PANIC!! What will I do now that there will be no more MP on tv to watch...no more swims...no more races for the GOLD...no more abrupt disruptions in my stitching efforts????
Guess I'll just quietly resort back to my old ways....to the days before this week took place in my life...before Michael Phelps...and just deal with it!!! (Hey, if anyone out there has already created the 1st Michael Phelps pattern to stitch, I'm first in line to cast dibs on it!!) BEWARE! If that happens the rest of my WIP's will be in trouble quick & headed for UFO status!!

hey Dawn,
visit my blog for a surprise!
I think it's wonderful that Michael Phelps & the team did so well. Glad to hear that you will be able to resume life again. LOL. Your enthusiasm is wonderful.
I know!! Nerve racking, wasn't it? The women's uneven bars was a TOTAL jip! They both should've gotten gold. Nastia was so much better IMO.
Check out my blog... I've given you an award (I think Shari beat me to it, though!)
lol your last couple of posts are wonderful! I'm as addicted to the Olympics as you are .. and agree with you about MP and eye candy. But don't leave out the rest of the boys on the US swim team .. omgosh they are all adorable :)
now get to stitching gf! lol
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