A little about Cameron...through the summer he's grown. He now stands taller than me...(but then, I think half the world does too!!!)...he's now almost the same height as his big sister (although you can't really tell from the pic above)...a whopping 5'4" to my 5' 1.5". He is a 1st Class Boy Scout and working towards his Eagle Scout achievement. His passions are playing video games and anything having to do with soccer. He currently is playing on a Fall rec soccer team with all of his peers and hopes to make his school soccer team again in the Spring. He is an A/B Honor Roll student.

I'm sure you've guessed from the picture above that she either likes to dance or enjoys dressing up in costumes!! (Actually...this was taken from her dance recital last Spring. She took Jazz and really enjoyed it!)
So what can I tell you about my "Hannie". She's an absolute ray of sunshine. She's the last of my 3 and my heartstrings are already being pulled this year because this will be her last year of elementary school. She is going into 5th grade and is probably the most excited of my 3 to be starting school on Monday. She loves animals and babies. She vows and declares one day that she is going to have lots of children running around and lots of animals to boot. Of my 3, she will be the best parent because she has such a loving, nurturing nature about her. She has a wonderful sense of humor and keeps me and her brother in stitches most of the time. (Actually if they both get to going...watch out...you won't be able to breathe!!!) She's decided she's not taking dance this year. She wants to work hard and make straight A's. She also is an A/B Honor roll student which has always been great, but I guess she wants to leave elementary school on a high note! (I'll take it!)
Of my 3, I believe time has gone by the fastest with Hannah. It seems like yesterday Megan was starting 5th grade (the same year Cameron started Kindergarten). One day recently Hannah said to me, "Mom, you know Cameron & I will be at the top of our schools next year and Megan will be starting at the bottom of college.") Oh...from the mouth of babes truth always emits forth!

So...here we go again! Another school year is upon me! I just love this time of year. Back in the day, the first and last day of school were the most exciting for me. The anticipation of heading back to school after a long summer (summers WERE a lot longer back then) and getting to see all my friends. There was no Facebook or Myspace back then to stay in touch through the summer. Most summers you didn't see your friends until school cranked back up. Even once the 'newness' of a new school year wore off and I became settled in my school routine, it was still fun and exciting. I loved school! I'm probably one of the few who would openly admit that if I could have found a way to make a career out of going to school I would have done it in a heartbeat! Times have definitely changed and my kids don't seem to share in that same excitement, although try as I might to get them to!

This time of year doesn't just bring on school, but Fall soon follows with all sorts of activities. There are Fall festivals....stitching....hayrides....stitching....bonfires....stitching...the changing leaves....stitching...raking leaves....stitching...cooler temps...stitching....wearing sweaters and sweatshirts & jeans...stitching...high school football games that span into early November or December if your favorite team makes it to the State Championship...stitching...the State Fair...stitching...soon to be followed by Halloween and then Thanksgiving and Christmas! It is such a time of celebration. For most parents, they rejoice for a different reason when school starts! But not me....I enjoy my kids and love their company!! They are at a wonderful age and when we share in experiences together this time of year, it always proves to be very special and memorable!
So...I'd better get busy....it will be here before you know it. Don't want to miss yet another year of partaking in some of my favorite things with my kids!
...decorating for Fall
....visiting the pumpkin patch
...drinking hot apple cider
I feel like I have the radio on --I am having such a good time listening to your music. Thanks for sharing your younger two kids with us. I've enjoyed reading about them.
Thanks so much for your comments! I do appreciate them so much! Thanks also for visiting my blog! You're welcome to visit anytime!
Have a great Sunday!
That brings back so many memories of years gone by.
beautiful blog entry! I love it! Your kids are adorable! Love the fall pictures too!!!!!
Beautiful kids!
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