It happened again this weekend. He popped up on my radar screen...my cell phone screen that is, and I don't mean the man of my dreams. As I read the text, I was reminded why I LOVE BEING SINGLE!!!
Before I can share what he said, I have to give you a little background on my history with him. I tried my hand at internet dating a little over five years ago after the breakup of my marriage & that is where I met him. We da

Anyway....it didn't take long for me to figure out this relationship was going nowhere fast. He had never been married, no kids and still lived at home with good ole Mom & Dad. That might have been okay had he still been in his late teens or early 20's, but this guy was a 30 something, okay!!! Or at least that's what he told me. I had my concerns that maybe the reason why he never showed me where he lived was maybe because he was married or either embarrassed about where he lived. Who knows? Needless to say, his issues were enough for me to end the relationship. After some time had passed, we made the attempt to become friends. It's no mystery that most men & women can NOT be friends after a relationship has ended. Either they hate each other because of the wounds inflicted upon each of them, or they try their hand at being friends since the relationship didn't work out, which always somehow gives that underlying expectation or 'hope' that things will go back to the way they once were.
Back to present day. Such is my case with this guy. Yes...we've tried our hand at being friends and have even gotten together for dinner on a rare occasion since that time. But I always get the feeling that there's that underlying expectation thing going on. I've noticed that in the times past, if I give this guy even remote time of day, he's calling me and asking me to go out....he terms it 'hanging out' which I've since been informed by my 17 year old daughter, that in this day in time means 'DATING'!!!!. If I'm nice to the guy on a friend level, that just evokes encouragement on his part and he calls, and calls and calls!!!! (HINT: You reckon he has a few regrets for the way he treated me before...I can just hear the mantra in his head..."If only she would just give me a chance!!!)
So...even with putting time and distance between me and said guy, I still get the occasional pop-up on the radar!! And without fail, I'll get the email greeting card wishing me a Happy whatever for the given holiday or special occasion. And let's not overlook, the text messages. They don't come often, but the timing is such that just when I think he's FINALLY gotten the message, when I least expect it, I'll have a text from him telling me that he was thinking about me and hope that I'm doing well. (So....I hate to burst his bubble!!!) I guess not texting him back wasn't enough of a hint!!!
And such was his latest text received this weekend! What's a single girl to do???? Even with making it known to him that I am LOVING SINGLE LIFE, I'm convinced he has selective hearing!!!! (And did I mention, not texting him back should be hint enough!!!) This must be interpreted to a persistent single guy (or possibly married...I never found out for sure..) that if a girl is single that translates to AVAILABLE to the persistent, single guy!! Or not getting a text back means a girl is playing hard to get...so PRESS ON!!
Just so there's no confusion...last time I checked being SINGLE to a woman meant one of several things...
a. A woman has either just dumped or been dumped by her ex.
b. A woman isn't being so lucky in love and it's not her choice.
c. A woman simply MAKES the choice to be single without option A or B having occurred (at least of late anyway.)

Sheesh...you would think it couldn't be any clearer??? Well...to us women, the rules are pretty clear, but why is it some guys just can't get a clue????
So...I'll wait with not so baited breath for the next text to appear...and mark my word, if I was a bettin' woman, I would place bets that within the next 90 days I'll be getting a text 'out of the clear' blue once again from this guy. While he continues to persist at being somewhat subtle in begging for a 2nd chance, I'll equally continue to persist by shouting it from the rooftops if I have to that 'I LOVE BEING SINGLE'. And I'll continue to keep rolling right along on the SINGLE WOMAN & LOVING IT train!

Dawn GF... my goodness, the tales we could share together! LOL, I can sooooooo relate to everything you wrote. I get those 'out of the blue' texts and calls, too, just when I think they've gotten the hint. I am glad I'm not the only one. Thanks for sharing this. :) The Club of Single Girls & Loving It!
You are too funny! Love the comic strip, too. Keep on keepin on!
Had to laugh! This was what I hated about dating, amongst other things. :-)
I love being single!!!! Now..if it ever becomes legal...I would marry my bed! Cause next to loving God...I LOVE my bed! lol It gives me great comfort when I need a good nights sleep, it's always there when I need it, it never gets mad at me and stomps off, the best thing is...it doesn't make a single noise ...if I gain a pound or 2. lol I love my bed! huggerz laurel
I am so glad that I just don't have to deal with that any more! But I feel for you. Some guys just don't get it!
Too cute and very funny! Have a great week!
Very funny post.
Suzann from ILCS
Very funny. Love your post.
Ah, so similar. Yes, I have someone like that too. (An hour+ away, living w/mom & dad and being 30-something!) But for me is still within my social circle.
Signed, single and loving the fact that I'm NOT in a bad relationship but would like to have a date every now and then! lol
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