That's right, you read the title of this blog posting correctly! (This was not some clever attempt to get your attention so you'd read on.) I DO love gas prices!!!! Okay...so before you think I've completely gone mad, let me explain!!! Don't get me wrong...I complain as much as the next person about how high gas prices are...but my mom always says, 'try and find the good in everything' and believe it or not something good has come out of high gas prices for me! :)
I am now one of the many American's out there who have a 4 day work week because of high gas prices. I no longer work on Fridays & that is something definitely to cheer about!! I recently left the corporate world working 40 hours per week and took a job working 32 hours a week for a local University; which was before gas prices decided to skyrocket through the roof. My weekly work schedule to this point has consisted of working 4-7 hr days and 1/2 day on Fridays. So when gas prices started rising, I worked out a new schedule with my boss of working 4-8 hr days per week, thus giving me Fridays off!!!
Having Fridays off is a GREAT thing to someone who's worked an 8-5 job her whole working life. It doesn't quite make up for having to give up eating out, going out and about in the car unless its absolutely necessary, cringing every time I drive by my local gas station, or giving up my annual summer vacation, but it helps dealing with the sacrifices I, along with so many others have had to make over these last several months.
It's a fact, high gas prices are most likely here to stay (at least for awhile anyway), so in the meantime, I'll take advantage of the fact that while I may have had to give up a few things on account of high prices at the pumps, what I've gained in return has been far greater than rising gas prices could ever be....the chance to have Fridays off spending precious time with my kids that otherwise would be spent working! So...I'll take high gas prices & keep right on enjoying being able to kick off my weekend a little bit sooner than most!!! HERE'S TO OPEC!!! IF YOU CAN'T BEAT 'EM, JOIN 'EM!!
At the moment a 4 day work week wont work for me but I do have a 'bonus' as my company currently pays for annual transit passes, to the tune of $800+ per employee. BUT with a merger and prices, Im wondering how much longer it will last. I would love to be able to work out a plan with my boss to work from home a couple days a week.
I'm one of the unlucky ones who doesn't work a 4-day work week! So I DON'T like gas prices, LOL.
How nice that you've been able to do a 4 day work week to save on gas. I am definitely saving money because I refuse to drive anywhere unless it is absolutely necessary. I work from home (and have for almost 14 years) so thankfully the gas prices haven't been an issue for me. It looks as though gas prices are only going to get worse, so I think we all need to find ways to conserve. BTW...LOVE that picture.
Suzann from ILCS
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