You see, I've been a slacker over the past few years. My fascination with crochet came at age 10 when my late paternal grandmother taught me to crochet. One of my fondest memories is of going to visit my grandmother and sitting beside her on the couch watching her crochet at a speed that I could barely keep up with, yet slow enough to pique my interest and be utterly amazed at how a skein of yarn could be turned into a blanket. To my knowledge no one else on my dad's side of the family dabbles in crochet except for me. I remember making 'mini blankets' as I liked to call them because they were just big enough to keep my baby dolls warm at night. I remember making my dad this Carolina blue and white scarf because he was a huge UNC Tarheels fan. I very proud of my accomplishment because making that scarf came under the guidance of my grandmother to ensure I was doing everythin
Then there was cross-stitch...I am self taught; although my influence again can be credited to that same grandmother who also liked to embroider. So at the ripe ole age of 20 I took up cross-stitch after getting married. One would think at age 20, there would be much more to life, but after marriage and before kids what else was there??? I discovered cross-stitching when my ex-husband worked 2nd shift. It helped pass the time and I found it to be quite relaxing. I have made everything from pictures, Christmas ornaments, blankets, Christmas tree skirt and Christmas stockings. Most of the items I made I gave as gifts and only a mere 3 things I've cross-stitched in my lifetime I actually did for myself. I have 3 children, 17, 13, & 10. The older two had the honor and privilege of my making them a Christmas stocking that was done just in time for the 1st Christmas each. However, my 3rd child, sadly to say, has never experienced the feel of having her own cross-stitched stocking from MOM. Suffice it to say, my intentions were good. I started the stocking when I was pregnant with her and well...what can I got in the way. It's been almost 11 years since and still a WIP that is so very long overdue. So.....after all these years, I finally have the stocking out and working fervently on it in hopes of completing in time for this Christmas.
So what was my excuse or reason you ask for waiting a mere decade to complete this particular WIP? Well...maybe it was the fact that I've recently joined a fabulous cross-stitch group who has inspired me to no end. Or wait, maybe life has finally slowed down a bit...(okay...that one was a stretch)...or perhaps it is the simple reality check I had this past June as I watched my oldest child graduate from high school! Suddenly it occurred to me that my Megan was my youngest daughter's age (10) just last week ( it seems that way) & now she's college-bound in a few more weeks & these last years have really flown by! So, that can only mean one thing...I'd better get busy. My Hannah's stocking is a Needle Treasures Counted Cross Stitch from Red Farm Studio called "The Christmas Blessing" that I purchased in 1997.
In addition to that, I am also working on a couple of crochet blankets for Christmas gifts and want to try and squeeze in a set of placemats for my stepmom as well. I've definitely got my work cut out for me between now and Christmas, but if things keep going like they have over the past few weeks I believe I will meet all my deadlines.
Needless to say, I am very happy that I've decided to take up both cross-stitching & crocheting again after all these years! So far its been fun and I'm looking forward to trying a lot of new things in both that weren't around 30 years ago. I know somewhere up there my grandmother is smiling down and watching my every stitch!
Great job on your new blog!
welcome to the world of blogging!
You have beautifull things.
Patricia D.
I liked reading about your stitching journey. Nice work!
You have a knack for writing! Good to see you back into your hobbies! Welcome to ILCS!
Welcome to the stitching blogging world and thank you for making my blog a part of your blog reading list. I hope you will continue to be inspired to work on your needlework. What you have pictured looks lovely so far.
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