It's that wonderful time of year!'s hard to believe but the holidays are upon us.

When it comes to this time of year, I'm like a little kid on the inside. It never fails when I hear that first Christmas song of the season, the excitement swells within me allowing the nostalgia of the season to set in.
Speaking of Christmas songs, I have a confession to make. I've been listening to Christmas music since late July...(well...not every day or anything, but just here & there until I felt it was absolutely acceptable & permissible!!!) And yes, the time has finally come! As far as I'm concerned the coast is clear now & anytime after Halloween is fair game! Bring on the Christmas music!!! I own my own radio station called Jukebox Junction Radio (the name changed to Jukebox Christmas Radio for the holiday season). Since about mid-September I have been working to get my Christmas library of music uploaded to the station. You would think by now I would be sick of hearing the same songs over and over. But not so. I made myself refrain from playing it full-on until it was absolutely acceptable & permissible!!! If anything, I've merely been teasing myself which in turn has only made me want to break all the rules and begin playing Christmas music a lot sooner than is absolutely acceptable & permissible!!!
As I sit here on this gorgeous Fall day that holds multi-colored leaves against a bright, beautiful backdrop of our famous Carolina blue skies and a temperature of about 75 degrees, it is hard to believe that we are officially in the holiday season and Thanksgiving is just two short weeks away. It feels more like Spring than Fall no doubt! But I won't allow that to dampen my Christmas spirit! I have my Christmas music playing & I'm thinking about the Christmas gifts I am currently working on that will hopefully make friends & loved ones smile when opened on Christmas Day. (As I get them completed I'll be posting them here for all to see.)
This is without a doubt my favorite time of year and the music of the season is a wonderful enhancement to it all! Since launching my Christmas station last weekend, already I'm finding out that I'm not the only one in Christmas mode. Listeners have flocked to my station in full force & I couldn't be happier! So if you need a little pick me up or nudge to get in the holiday spirit, head on over and take a listen. I guarantee you even the biggest of Scrooges couldn't help but smile at some of the great holiday music playing!
I guess it goes without saying that there are many of us who really start to get in the Christmas spirit immediately following Halloween each year! And from the looks of things over at Jukebox Christmas Radio, I don't have to feel guilty any longer. Maybe I'll start pulling out my Christmas decorations.....HMMMMM!
OK, girl, it's early days yet! (but I have to confess I'm getting in the mood, too!) I love Christmas - the true meaning, the spirit, the fun, and all that goes with it. My wish is to make a real difference in someone else's life this year. Spread the love!
I'm a Christmas junkie :) haven't started playing any Christmas music yet, but I've done some shopping already. Our local nursery/gift store converts to a Christmas wonderland .. they do about 25 decorated trees and all kinds of stuff .. they were open last night in all their glory .. had a blast :)
I tagged you, Dawn - see my blog for details!
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