Finally after many, many weeks of excited anticipation, Fall has arrived & I couldn't be happier! This has to be my absolute favorite time of year. For weeks I have been ready for this season of cooler temps that prompt the leaves to change into gorgeous colors and fall from their trees. It's the only other time of year besides Spring that I love getting outside and taking in the beauty that surrounds me.

There's just so much to do this time of year! From going on hayrides to building bonfires, to creating fall scenes in the front yard & decorating the house and filling it with the smells of fresh pumpkin pie or a cinnamon spiced candle, the Fall season is one that offers something for everyone!
The thing that I love most about this time of year is that Fall is the 'kick off' to an entire season of wonderful events and happenings. Halloween looms just around the corner, followed by the Holiday season consisting of Thanksgiving, Christmas, & New Year's celebrations. It is mind blowing to say the least to think that we were just celebrating July 4th what seems like a few short weeks ago, and here we are saying hello to Fall & October 1st! Time will only get faster as the year pushes onward to the end of 2008!

Despite all the talk of late about our economy, I refuse to allow any of it to dampen my spirits about this time of year. I plan to enjoy it no matter how bad things get. I've come to realize over these last few days of watching our country's impending financial crisis unfold, that no matter how tough things get, its hard to ignore the fact that God is in control of it all when you look around at the splendor and beauty of the season that He provides to us each and every year. And as I watch the gradual change in the color of the leaves, I'm reminded that just as Fall passes into Winter, our country's woes will pass too!

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