I recently perused through some of my blog posts that I entered around this same time last year. While I was a happy camper back then too, I marveled at the thought of how our lives are always changing...especially from one year to the next.
A year ago, the most exciting thing I had going for me was beginning to get hyped about the coming holiday season. I was almost done with writing my 1st novel. And I spent the early part of September loading my internet radio station with Christmas music to prepare for the season kick-off. It was a joyful time for me. I was at my personal best within & happier than I'd been in years.
Fast forward to one year later and again I'm still a happy camper. I'm in the midst of loading my internet radio station with Christmas music once more. I've started to work on some Christmas gifts and my novel is currently undergoing it's first edit. There is just one thing that sets this year apart from last & it's the presence of the most wonderful man who I've been fortunate enough to be blessed with by Almighty God.
A year ago, I didn't think life could get any better...well...at that point & time...I was thinking a book deal would be kinda nice! But I'll be the first to admit I never thought in a million years I would ever find the love of my life & my thinking would go from one extreme to another in the love department.
I mean, heck, I'd practically swore I'd remain happily single & carefree for the rest of my life. It just goes to show that we are never in control of our lives. God ultimately is all-knowing & has the plans for us all laid out ahead of time. We are only in control of what God allows & even then depending on the choices & decisions we make with regard to what He hands us determines the outcome each & every time. 
If there was ever a time in my life where I was given the blessed assurance that God is in the driver's seat, it would have to be upon meeting Andy. The way our relationship has seemingly unfolded before our very eyes, makes a believer out of me each & every day. I know without a doubt there is a Higher Power at work in the universe orchestrating events & circumstances. There are just some things you 'know' would have never happened otherwise had God not had a hand in it.

I often wonder had I not been a sinner if God would have had need to bless me in such a huge way. It is a surety that despite our shortcomings God doesn't hold them over our heads. Instead He holds out His arms to us, waiting to shower us with all of His goodness. If only we humans could have the same level of compassion for each other. Imagine the blessings that would come from it.

If there was ever a time in my life where I was given the blessed assurance that God is in the driver's seat, it would have to be upon meeting Andy. The way our relationship has seemingly unfolded before our very eyes, makes a believer out of me each & every day. I know without a doubt there is a Higher Power at work in the universe orchestrating events & circumstances. There are just some things you 'know' would have never happened otherwise had God not had a hand in it.

I suppose everything that occurs in our lives is just like that. God controls it all, owns it all & blesses us beyond measure. Sometimes the hurdles of life sure don't feel like blessings, but to be sure a blessing can always be found amongst a thorn. I've made plenty of mistakes in my life & often wonder how it is that God can bless me so immensely in spite of that? I have been given the most precious gift from God outside of my three children. Andy is truly God's work. I'm amazed at not only how God could create such an incredible human being that has the heart & compassion of our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ, but that He ultimately chose Andy as the one He wanted to grace my life with.