Today has been one of those days when the blahs have set the tone for the entire day. I concluded earlier that the amount of cloud cover and rain we've had of late has been a huge contributor to my current mood. I've spent the better part of the day wishing for an early Spring to help lift my spirits.

There's just something about sunshine & weekends that make for a good combination. Most would argue in light of the football playoffs, that this weekend provided the perfect kind of weather for taking in all the televised games. After the Panthers loss on Saturday night, it's difficult for me to find solace in the arms of the Steelers or the Eagles at this point.

Then there are those who would argue that today was a perfect day for curling up with a blanket and a good book and just reading the day away to help combat the dreary weather outside. Does going to the library and checking out a book that I have yet to sit down to read count?

Or maybe some would say that its been a good day for doing nothing but sleeping the day away. Laundry prevailed over sleep today, I'm afraid.

So, if not taking in one of the above recommendations on a day like today, what does one do? Well, I think I may have just found the perfect solution...coffee!! I think I'll go brew me a soothing pot of coffee and allow its rich, robust flavor to take all the dreariness of this day away! I feel better already!